August 30, 2012
I was able to catch up with Mike Jordan, artist at California Wall Design to find out what's new with their business. We conducted the interview at their LA studio. Here's a little Q&A with Mike.
Thom: Tell me about your team, what does everyone do?
Mike: We all do our thing to promote and grow the business, Tim does lots of different things at any given time, right now he's leafing a 16" by 48"(40.64cm x 121.92cm) canvas into a red silver leaf cracked finish. Mom is working on samples.
Thom: Sweet, so you guys are all artists, you guys all help out?
Mike: Yeah, We have pretty much all learned from the master.
Thom: What's CWD's main focus right now, art or finishes?
Mike: Finishes. We are doing our best to get our name out there here on the west coast, 90% finishes 10% art at the moment.
Mike: Yes, that is about 90% accurate. We are working with Tracy Murdock of L&M Design here in LA. The job would be a huge penthouse with 3 floors of venetian.
Thom: Tell me some of the other designers you have been talking and working with?
Mike: We are working with Barry Livingstone, he's a very well known designer based out of Malibu. We are about to get commissioned on a house in Malibu. Huge venetian walls, lots of triple leaf and other finishes. Its in the pipeline, it hasn't started yet.
Thom: What other designers have you recently met with?
Mike: We recently met with HBA, Hirsh Bedner Associates, Thomas Schoos, Creative Reserach Asscoicates here in LA, Norman Design Group.
Thom: Was there a recent one? I heard a lot of buzz about dropping off a gold and silver leaf package to someone?
Mike: Yeah. We have a meeting with Gensler. Gensler is a big hospitality design firm.
Thom: So, from what I understand it sounds like you guys are on the verge of positioning yourselves on the forefront in this field in LA, and possibly internationally as well.
Mike: Hopefully, it takes time, just introducing yourself and letting people know you exist.
Thom: What advise would you give to artists and/or people running their own business?
Mike: You got to keep going, everyday.
Thom: Sounds like your team is multi-talented, they are able to run everything inside the business?
Mike: You got to learn to run everything.
Thom: Are there any other projects you're working on now or anything that adds to your overall artistic expression?
Mike: I go surfing sometimes, I was thinking about going today, is anyone down to go?
Thom: I'm down, at least I will jump in the water, so...I guess that means we're done here, nice catching up.